
Bocconi Art Gallery

Università Bocconi, Milano



Thursday September 19, 2024 is opening the new exhibition at the Bocconi Art Gallery in Milan, where works by Gianni Asdrubali, François Morellet, Nelio Sonego, and Michel Verjux will also be presented.

Bocconi Art Gallery is the path by which the University approaches a ‘different’ contemporary world, the cultural and artistic world that is part of everyone’s life. Contemporary art, even if you don’t fully understand it, brings enrichment and opens the mind. It can trigger questions and suggestions that emanate from the visual context in which it is expressed, whether paintings, installations, sculptures or photography. That is why Bocconi has chosen to invest consistently in the project called BAG - Bocconi Art Gallery, always involving new international artists, and collaborating with important Italian and foreign galleries. The goal is a continuous cultural exchange and turnover of works from year to year, to offer a diversity of points of view and interpretations.

The works by Gianni Asdrubali are contradictory and opposing presences, atypical figures of the impossible. In these bodies made of "nothing," originated from the tension of an original absence, manifest interrogations of contradictions and unpredictability. It is about making them feel that rebellious breath that contradicts all sense and the gravity of the body itself, that breath that makes the heaviness of things fly. In the solitary mode, a single work is alone in the space; in the collective mode, several independent works are casually united into a single whole, a single work.
The 48 light blue argon tubes that make up π Weeping Neonly n. 1 by François Morellet are linked together by their wiring, all of the same length. All more or less hanging, they are arranged in eight vertical sets, each one connected to a transformer affixed high up on the wall. The position of the tubes, six in each set, was determined by drawing lots using the number π. The effect obtained by these precise straight lines which head off in every direction, and by these loose, hanging wires, is one of great disorder. The title was inspired by the appearance of a weeping willow tree, which the work may call to mind.
In the works by Nelio Sonego the painting appears to spill over the edge of the support, into the space, and into that of the viewer not passing/crossing over the surface, but circumventing and exploring it in its physicality. Acts, quick impetum on the canvas, that generate open images, expression of a tension where the body of the artist and the canvas are united.
Michel Verjux
investigates the concepts of void, place and space through what he defines éclairages, luminous projections of geometric shapes, where the beam of light dialogues with the surrounding environment, indirectly bringing out new aspects of reality. The artist works on the act of seeing as a place of encounter with reality: in the presence of matter through light, which gives space the chance to open up to an unprecedented epiphanic presence.

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